Looking to know how to cut vinyl siding? Read this quick tutorial.
If you're wondering how to cut vinyl siding, it’s easy. Photo from diyadvice.com. When you discover that part of your vinyl siding needs to be replaced, you may immediately think you need to call a siding contractor for assistance. However, if you know how to cut vinyl siding, you can probably do the repair job yourself and save some money.
When you opt to do the repairs yourself, you will have to invest only the siding costs and your time. Vinyl siding prices are generally reasonable. For some of us, though, time is money, and it is better to hire a contractor to handle the work.
The first thing you need to know when learning how to cut vinyl siding is how to accurately read a ruler or tape measure. When you install siding, it's important that you measure and cut the siding precisely. If you need to cut a large piece for your repairs, you'll need to use a tape measure. Whereas for shorter pieces, a yardstick may suffice.
When you're measuring vinyl siding, it's very important that you first place the siding on a steady, flat surface, because this type of siding is very flexible. If you do not measure the siding on a solid surface, you may end up with a piece of siding cut to the wrong size. Even worse, you could end up cutting yourself.
The next thing you should know when you are learning how to cut vinyl siding is to mark your measurements with a lead pencil. A lead pencil will show up well enough for you to be able to make an accurate cut, yet it will wash off easily after installation. In most cases the first rain will remove any remaining marks.
Once you have your measurements clearly marked, it's time to make your cuts. At this point, you have several options available to you. You can cut vinyl siding using several different tools: You can use a utility knife, a handsaw or a large pair of tin snips. When you are learning how to cut vinyl siding, it's useful to know that any of these three tools can do the job effectively.
If you notice that part of your vinyl siding needs to be repaired, the next step may be to get a siding estimate from a professional. However, if you know how to cut vinyl siding, you can save yourself the money and do it yourself.
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